The Elmwood School Project Visioning Group consists of volunteers from the Community as well as a number of educators working in the district. This diverse group will share their thoughts and opinions on the current and future vision for Hopkinton’s Public Schools. Through presentation, discussion and activities the Elmwood team will gain further insight and guidance to help shape the Elmwood project.
The first Visioning Meeting was held on October 26, 2022.
The next Visioning meeting will be held on November 16, 2022
Images of the Community's ideas gathered at Visioning Session 2 are shared below along with a link to the Mentimeter results for discussion of "Connecting to the Learning".
Click Visioning Session to review the information gathered in Visioning Session 02.
Click Elmwood Mentimeter Results for Elmwood School Visioning Group Survey results.

Images of the community’s Ideas gathered at the Visioning Session 1 are shared below.